Welcome to Religious Education classes for Children and Youth at UUCL! If you are new to our congregation, RE meets on Sunday mornings during the service on the second floor of the church building (the level at which you enter from the parking lots). We have class on Sunday mornings for PreK-5th grade and monthly Youth Group for 6th grade+.

The infant nursery is open from 10:15-11:45 am. Unless noted otherwise, the grade school classes have the following routine: 

Prek-5th grade start in the sanctuary - service starts at 10:30 am. They will be in the sanctuary through first hymn and a Time for All Ages. After that, they will be led to their classroom. You are welcome to keep your children with you in the sanctuary, if you prefer. 

For 6th grade+, we do not have a formal program on Sunday mornings - they meet monthly for evening Youth Group. On Sunday mornings, they have several choices for engagement. They can make use of the former RE room to play board games, read, or make free form art. Alternatively, they are always welcome to join the younger class for the Soul Matters curriculum. Finally, they are invited to remain in the sanctuary with their grown-ups for the service.

Weekly Update for 04/26/2024

Children and Youth Religious Education:

Dear Friends, 

It is hard to believe we have nearly reached the end of another month. I hope this message finds you and your family doing well as we begin the transition from April to May. I am so grateful your family and children are part of our community. Your active participation enriches our program immensely, nurturing not only the success of our initiatives but also fostering the spiritual growth of your children. Your dedication to UUCL Religious Education is deeply appreciated as we witness your children's blossoming understanding, empathy, and creativity. 

This month, we have had a great time together exploring what Interdependence means for us as Unitarian Universalists, the difference between independence and interdependence, and how our faith teaches us and lifts up the idea that we can’t go it alone. We have been exploring this theme through crafts, games, stories, and lots of connection opportunities.  

This week in Preschool-5th grade, we will be looking at how the web of creatures and creation nurtures US. We will explore how our Earth and the web of creatures and creation take care of us! Children will have the opportunity to explore how nature is a gift and how being in it and connected to it allows us to live, thrive, and feel cared for. Nature, the Earth, and all its creatures and creations have the power to care for us and make us feel good, and this is a gift.

For our older youth - 6th grade+, we are trying a new direction. On Sunday mornings, they will have a variety of choices. They can make use of their former RE room to play board games, read, or make free form art. Alternatively, they are always welcome to join the younger class for the Soul Matters curriculum. Finally, they are invited to remain in the sanctuary with their grown-ups for the service. However, in lieu of Sunday morning opportunities, we are very excited to announce the debut of Youth Group! Youth Group will meet on Sunday afternoons/evenings, once per month. Dates for May-August will be announced within the next week. At YG, we will share a meal together and participate in an activity, often off of church grounds. We will gather for a variety of fun and fellowship activities and community service. Please watch your email and this space as more details will be released soon. We are hopeful that these changes will bring exciting new opportunities for engagement for your family and youth!

We are actively looking for volunteers for both age groups. Please speak with DLE, Courtney Sinha if you are interested in getting involved with either group or even if you just have some questions about what that would look like. We appreciate the support of all our families and friends to keep a thriving and growing RE program going.