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This month we begin another congregation year exploring a theme each month. Our September theme is INVITATION. This month is filled with a variety of Sunday services and social offerings to help our folks and newcomers deepen our spiritual exploration and enrich our relationships among one another. This year, we are returning to our long-held tradition of having a clean up day the first Sunday of September. This tradition began when we didn’t have air conditioning in the sanctuary, so
the congregation took the summers off. It remains a reminder that this is a time of year when we welcome new folks, reminding us that it takes us all to create and maintain our community. So, join us on September 1 as we prepare for another congregational year. Folks on Zoom will have a chance to have an extended “Zoom coffee hour”.

The next Sunday, September 8, is our Ingathering after busy summers, journeys, and days full of fun. Our ritual revolves around the waters that are part of our lives, those we have visited as well as the waters around the globe that are disappearing or vulnerable to human pollution and mismanagement. So, bring a bit of water from a favorite place you visited this summer or share with us your wonder and awe at the grandeur of bodies of water that give life to all living beings.

During 2024, two groups of folks have participated in a Creating Theology Together class. Through the sessions, folks have explored their key values and the core of their Unitarian Universalist beliefs—the theology we create together. On Sunday, September 15, members of the CTT class will share their personal discoveries and how they might impact our congregational thinking.

Another invitation this month is to participate in a New UU class on September 22 and 29 (Sundays) in Unitarian House. This is a great opportunity for folks who are new to UUism to learn more about our faith and for those considering membership. The class will be held from noon to 2:30. Lunch will be provided and childcare is available upon request. This is such an enjoyable opportunity to get to know some other folks who are also newish to UUCL.

We are fortunate to have two guest speakers this month. Anne Gibbons will offer a service on September 22 and Corey Barnes will speak on September 29. It is always a pleasure to have Anne and Corey share their wisdom with us.

This will be a wonderful month to be part of UUCL!
Blessings, Terre