We live in a world that, with its phones, tablets, computers, etc., makes it difficult to be present in the moment. I chose to be present this week by taking Huw to the theater to see, on back-to-back-to-back nights, the digitally remastered, extended cut, 4k versions of The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Disclaimer for fact checkers: The following statements are based on the three films, not Tolkien’s books. Please don’t banish me to Mordor over discrepancies. 

Frodo remained present by resisting the One Ring, even though its siren song was greater than that of any cell phone. The One Ring pulled at Frodo, attempting to distract him and lead him to self-centeredness. The path Frodo traveled was hard, particularly after the Fellowship split and only Sam accompanied Frodo. The easy way would have been for Frodo to put on the ring, disappear, and avoid the hard path ahead.

Merry and Pippin remained present by smoking long bottom leaf and eating salted pork after Treebeard and the Ents defeated the Orc and Uruk forces at Isengard, trapping Saruman and Grima Wormtongue in Orthanc. There was still much to be done after Isengard fell, but Merry and Pippen took time to enjoy pleasures they had been long denied after leaving the Shire. Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli come upon them eating and smoking and Gimli expresses his frustration with them until he realizes there is salted pork. I hope you will choose to be present this month, however that may be. Avoid the siren song of shiny things that distract or lead to self-centeredness. Make time to restore yourself, even if there is still much to be done. Or go to a movie that ends after midnight and split a large popcorn and drink, even if you must get up early and go to work the next day.

Stacy Yoder